Portrait Group


Showroom business rates are commercial property taxes applied to premises used for displaying products, from cars to furniture. These rates are crucial for budgeting, as they directly impact the operating costs of maintaining a showroom.

Calculating showroom business rates involves applying a specific multiplier to the property’s rateable value, assessed by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). This assessment considers factors like location, size, and rental value. Since the 2023 reforms, the “Check, Challenge, Appeal” system has made it essential for showroom owners to seek professional guidance to navigate and potentially reduce these rates. At our firm, we specialise in providing tailored services for showroom owners, offering expert evaluations and handling the entire process to secure significant savings. Our goal is to alleviate the financial burden of business rates, ensuring your showroom remains financially viable and competitive.

We utilise local valuation experts who bring area-specific insights and proficiency, specifically tailored to showrooms. Our team has extensive experience across multiple assessment periods, achieving significant reductions in commercial property taxes for various showroom types. Typically, we save our clients between 10% and 100% on their rates. Our success-based compensation model ensures fees are charged only on achieved savings, with no upfront costs. Our experts manage the entire tax reduction process, starting with a preliminary assessment or physical evaluation of the property to identify any overvaluation.

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